Why do we care about what others think of us? What motivates us to change ourselves for others? How do we stop ourselves from altering ourselves too far in case we realize that the changes we made for ourselves aren't the changes we needed at all?
Sometimes we meet new people and we realize they are exactly what we've been looking for, no matter the relationship we desire. You may do anything to make them stay. We've all told ourselves that we won't change for anyone, but there seems to be people that become exceptions to that rule quite easily.
It is hard to know when changing for someone else is good for you. We are taught that changing for someone means that you're altering your core, your values, your livelihood. But what if the changes they inspire are what we actually need for ourselves?
College is a time for people to screw up big time. It's sort of mandatory. So even though we may think the people we get to know will change us indefinitely, maybe the outcome isn't as bad as we make it out to be.
When you change for other people, you change because you see something you desire within them. There are so many people I wish to be and so many people I have yet to meet. In the next two quarters at DePaul, I hope I can find new people that will change me as much as they need me to change them.
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