room with a view

room with a view

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week Whatever: Questions that Keep Me Up at Night

I have failed in attempting to write pieces on schedule, but that's OK! Once my classes begin in 3 days, writing will become a part of my weekly plans. For now, I'll post something that's been sitting in my Google Drive for a while. I am by no means a comedian (everyone always tells me I'm only funny when I'm mad). Here's an attempt at a little fluff piece.

Questions that keep me up at night:
  1. How many emojis are too many?
  2. Why do my headphones always break at the most inconvenient time?
  3. Will I ever find a pen that’s “the one”?
  4. How can the government keep on making pennies?
  5. Will my Oldies station be filled with Top 40 radio crap?
  6. At what point is a flat pillow to flat to sleep on?
  7. Is there such as thing as owning too many hoodies?
  8. Will I ever have a good hair day when it’s not 11 pm on a Tuesday?
  9. Can I be passive aggressive and not tweet about it?
  10. Is the art of the mixtape dead?
  11. How much can I allow myself to spend on pumpkin spice lattes this fall?
  12. Does my cat actually like me?
  13. Will Thought Catalog continue to spiral downward? Can I survive a day without reading it?
  14. Is the number of oreos I eat in a day proportional to the number of times I’ve thought about working out?
  15. How can I get this list to not sound like a mash up of first world problems and another millenial rant?