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room with a view

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Selections from my Virtual Library: April 2014

The fourth installment you've all been waiting for is here! Just kidding, most of you are coming out of midterms, in the midst of finals, or done with school so the idea of reading for fun is probably not on the top of your list. But, you should check out these great pieces anyways.

New Yorker
Orson Welle's Shattering "Othello" - Orson Welles + Shakespeare = excellence

The Case for Race-Blind Affirmative Action - A provocative piece 

Warhol works recovered from old Amiga disks - New art found by CMU students, what a great discovery.

William Faulkner's Favorite April Fool's Day Pranks - A good laugh for any reader of Faulkner

The Future of Dating - Insane

It's Official: Americans Are Floating In A Pool Of Ranch Dressing - I detest ranch, but a good read for any consumer

The Rise And Fall Of Stefan Zweig, Who Inspired 'Grand Budapest Hotel' - We all know why this is on the list

Stereotypes Of Appalachia Obscure A Diverse Picture - Beautiful photo essay that captures an interesting American culture

Play It Again And Again, Sam: Quite a cool take on repetition in music

How Rwanda's Only Ice Cream Shop Challenges Cultural TaboosRwandan culture discourages the public display of personal needs and it's crazy that something like ice cream can challenge the norm

Under The Streets Of Naples, A Way Out For Local Kids: Cultural restoration and social improvement combine to create a better Naples

The New York Times
I Had a Nice Time With You Tonight. On the App. - Now that there's dating apps, there's also relationship apps

What Are Cats Thinking? - Guys, I just want to know what Boots thinks of me

Needs Improvement: Student evaluations of professors aren’t just biased and absurd—they don’t even work - Students, think about what evaluations mean before you rate a professor's attractiveness

Much Ado About Nothingness: Was Shakespeare an atheist? Or more of a secular humanist? - A wonderful question to contemplate

On Acceptance and Expectations - New kinds of college apps are great, but college grade inflation is not

What inner city kids know about social media, and why we should listen - Privacy in the digital age is difficult but understanding student web behavior can tell us a lot

The Atlantic
Access to Good Food as Preventive Medicine: People diagnosed with chronic disease need good food, so why is it so hard to provide it for them?

Do Students Still Have Free Speech in School? - Words published on the Internet surrounding schools blur the line in rules

Why Teaching Poetry Is So Important - Just read poetry!!!!

The Confidence Gap - A must-read for any gender

The Quiet Radicalism of All That - We all know All That is the greatest

The Adjunct Revolt: How Poor Professors Are Fighting Back - Respect your professors, they're not overpaid like you may think