room with a view

room with a view

Saturday, December 7, 2013

DePaul's Winter "Break": A Blessing or a Curse?

At first, I wanted to write this in list form, but I restrained myself. 

I'm not BuzzFeed.

I wish I was Buzzfeed because I'd be making bank, but I don't have the GIF library to compete with them. Except for this gem:

Thanks to DePaul's lovely (I think...) six week break, I was able to find the above amusement. In my myriad to do list of activities that needed to be completed over the next 42 days, one was to re-organize and clean out my computer. SO EXCITING. SO ADULT.

And while I love having the time to sit down and read a novel, do my laundry (for free, sweet!), and binge watch all the TV episodes I missed over the past 10 weeks, I can't help but wonder how much more time is wasted at home versus being at DePaul. So, for your viewing pleasure I've created two graphs that chart how I spend my time at school versus at home. The results are a little disheartening.

Yes, as a teenager I love my sleep. I also love that being home means I can try to conquer the 24 books I bought over the last 10 weeks and tackle the list of 46 movies my friends have recommended to me. 

But the one qualm that I have is that I see LITERALLY no one. The majority of my friends are at school getting ready for finals and won't be back for at least another 10 days. And I'm writing this after being on break for 10 days. 

While I do appreciate having finals before the holiday season begins and being able to have some much needed time to myself, I miss people. 

I know I'm going to despise these 6 weeks as everyone finishes the school year in May while us DePaul kids sit in classrooms until mid-June. Why give us break during the cold months when we all would enjoy some extra summer?

Yes, it's cheaper to fly home once in these months then twice for all of you out-of-towners, but would it be so bad to spend Thanksgiving with all of your new friends?

I'll get back to my cat and The Best American Essays of 2012 now.

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